You can even say that they are the unicorns of humankind! You’ll be struck in awe once you meet one, but it would be as rare as Halley’s Comet before you finally do. Composed of only 2% of the population, it’s safe to say that gingers really are a rare sight. And you can’t really deny the fact that gingers are very attractive people, and that saying so isn’t an overstatement at all. Too bad that gingers were considered as witches back in the 16th century. More recent gingers who are widely considered as attractive are Karen Gillian, Isla Fisher, and Amy Adamson. And we’ve had tons of beautiful gingers throughout the years including Queen Elizabeth I, Cleopatra, and Emily Dickinson.
Why are gingers mostly considered as hot-headed, soulless creatures? We should even be thankful that they’re around! Even if humankind has had a bad history with gingers, it’s still a fact that ginger women are rare, mystical, and beautiful.