The main Squidward goes to the Krusty Krab to see a fucked up Patrick dancing to music) Oh no, he’s hot! Squidward: I have got to get my dick sucked! (Squidward goes out of his house as another Squidward goes into the main Squidward's house and explodes. (SpongeBob shoots him in the back of the head and Squidward wakes up) Cut back to Squidward.) I hate gay people. Krabs takes him inside the kitchen and they have sex) (Patrick feels guilty, lights a stick of dynamite, and explodes) SpongeBob SquarePants: Hey Krusty Krab, your penis is showing. Painty the Pirate: Are you ready, kids? (Everyone prepares to shoot at him, including SpongeBob) Oh shit! (The pirate screams while he is shot)